четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.

download German English Dictionary + Varies with device for free

German English Dictionary +

Travel & Local

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The #1 German English Dictionary for Android Phones & Tablets ✦ Comprehensive Offline Dictionary ✦ Phrasebook ✦ Verb Conjugator ✦ Phrase Translator ✦ Audio Pronunciation ✦ Vocabulary Quizzes

★★★★★ I am finding everything I need for talking with in laws and reading the Spiegel. The pronunciation is excellent, works offline too.

★★★★★ This app is packed with features, games and translations - many more than the free version.

★★★★★ Great help. I've found this dictionary to be worth every penny.

★★★★★ Great English German dictionary!! Best I've tried so far.

German English Dictionary + by VidaLingua transforms your Android phone or tablet into an advanced language interpreter, always ready to help. It includes everything you need in one app and features you won’t find anywhere else such as adding words, notes and images to the dictionary. Extensive databases and advanced features make VidaLingua the most comprehensive German English Dictionary for Android. Download it now and start learning German or English today!


✓ German English Dictionary with over 628.000 offline entries.

✓ Phrasebook with 20 categories such as Conversation, Asking Directions and Making Friends.

✓ Conjugations of 6.648 German & English verbs.

✓ Online Phrase Translator (in-app purchase), free alternative in settings.

✓ Single index search for fast lookups in German or English.

✓ Enhancements for tablets.

✓ Multiple-choice vocabulary quizzes.

✓ Lookup History.

✓ Email dictionary translations.

✓ Dictionary entries include translations, usage examples, part of speech & gender for German nouns.

✓ Updated regularly by our team of linguists.

✓ Online lookup for additional words.

✓ Text-to-speech pronunciation in German & English.

✓ Language is living. Only VidaLingua allows you to add words, notes and images to the dictionary!

Comments & questions are welcome.


VidaLingua, bringing language apps to life! ©

Mobile dictionaries for English, Spanish, French, Italian, German & Portuguese - Brazilian


Tags : Wörterbuch, Englisch, Deutsch, Übersetzung, Übersetzer, Phrasen, Konjugation, Verben

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