четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.

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IMAX presented Kodak partnership laser bring Projection to theater while listening to to go always exciting, about new technologies and the future of digital cinema, laser technology still seems like a ways away from being implemented on a wide scale, and most people have no idea that it even exists anyway apk free download . I would really demonstration demo of how much better it looks in person, like the leaves impact impact. With this laser projection technology comes next, and higher frame rates next filmmaker-driven push is one thing for sure - films soon begin to look much more lifelike and clear on the big screen. Only time will tell how all these changes in the industry. A few more quotes: This license, combined with LLE and IMAX 's own intellectual property , brings us at the forefront of laser - based projection and moviegoers, exhibitors and filmmakers deliver around the world , the level of the the IMAX brand is known, said IMAX CEO Richard L. Gelfond. This Kodak intellectual property is truly innovative, itself thatused by respected technology IMAX Group to enhance the cinematic experience for the consumer, so that the application of digital technology in our larger and institutional theaters , and make business with IMAX even easier and more profitable. In fact, it is always all about the profits, but at least IMAX its best to their best to ensure the quality and viewing experience, more than just the venue size itself, which say more than I do for most of the movie theaters.

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