воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

galaxys3 Deepsea livewallpaper apk free download

galaxys3 Deepsea livewallpaper


Download .apk

Deepsea now avaliable on googleplay!!!!


To reduce RAM consumption,App icon may not appear on app drawer-PLEASE SET YOUR WALLPAPER IN SETTINGS》DISPLAY》LIVE WALLPAPER》Deep sea

Full customization live deep sea wallpaper with custom backgrounds in which jellybeans float and are suspended,this live wallpaper uses gyroscope of the phone so the with sudden jerks the jellyfish moves with the same momentum:)

Even the SIZE,COLOR of centers of jellyfish can be modified,their COUNT,BACKGROUND LIGHTING,BACKGROUND BRIGHTNESS can be changed

installation instructions


Download .apk

Season Married in Alaska STORY: Anderson Cooper Bristol Palin told to Get a Job, Stop Being on TV 'Levi Johnston, who became famous as ex-fiancee Bristol Palin, married new girlfriend Sunny Oglesby in Alaska on Sunday, Us Weekly reports.Johnston, 22, and Oglesby, a 20 - year-old teacher, have together more than one year, in September, she welcomed daughter Breeze is the first marriage for both. In the meantime, the unique Alaskan governor and vice-presidential candidate 's daughter recently got the boat as a candidate for the All-Star season, ABC Dancing With the Stars free galaxys3 Deepsea livewallpaper 1.1 torrent download .

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