My Girlfriends...
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Does the world of women look to you like chaos? With this application you might get a glimpse into this chaos, and a feeling that you somehow understand what is going on with your girlfriends, or with your wife. All you have to do to start is to enter two period dates of your girlfriend and you will get the first mood information and mood predictions for each day in the next months. Would she like to get a baby, is live o.k., or maybe it is better to shut up and say nothing because of her PMS? Women love when we know when the next period is coming. This application is a must for every guy - ideal for planing romantic dates, vacations or just to know what is going on with the woman you think you know.
Key features:
- possibility to define more than one girlfriend
- girlfriend data entry can be linked with a Contact Entry of your phone
- possibility to call or text girlfriend directly from the application
- mood predictions for current and future months based on period dates.
- girlfriend rating feature
- girlfriend's mood display during incoming calls. You can always decide if you want to pick up or not..
- sending period dates via Email - just in case she needs them
- custom mood descriptions. You can set your own descriptions for all moods
- password protection
- possibility to define a custom length of PMS
- 'It's official' feature - possibility to mark one girlfriend as the special one
- Official mode - show only the official girlfriend in the app
- Notes feature allowing you to enter for each girlfriend things important to remember about her - her favorite drinks, flowers, anniversaries and so on
-Data backup/restore to SD card
- Automatic Google Cloud data backup
- supported languages: English, German, Polish
Tags: girlfriend, woman, period, PMS, fertility calendar, menstruation
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After writing and directing the powerful drama Frozen River Melissa Leo in 2008, Courtney Hunt landed a best screenplay Oscar nomination, but now it is moving to the opposite end of the spectrum for their next movie. And ultimately, on a new comedy called Rule# 1 has obviously apparently produce Reese Witherspoon to Star currently banner and through her Type A Films production download My Girlfriends... free android app . The film tells the story of a 34 - year-old woman trying with with OCD , who takes a young woman with ADD and her newborn baby in make put her fears and ultimately, her estranged husband back.
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