воскресенье, 4 мая 2014 г.

download charlieINTEL APK


News & Magazines

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The official 'charlieINTEL' mobile application is now on Android! View the latest News, Videos, Twitter, Facebook, and Photo Feed of Charlie Intel.

• NEWS: Charlie Intel has a dedicated viewership of over 450,000 followers, but often articles can be missed. With this app you can stay up-to-date will all of the latest CoD news – You will never miss a announcement again!

• VIDEOS: Interested in watching CoD videos? View videos from the Charlie Intel YouTube channel!

• TWITTER: Never miss a tweet again – The ‘Twitter’ tab allows you to have constant access to each and every one of Charlie Intel's tweets with over 30,000 other followers!

• FACEBOOK: Keep up to date with all of Charlie Intel's Facebook posts!

• FAN WALL: Users can post comments and talk about topics regarding MW3, BO2, or any other Call of Duty games or topics!

• STORE: Get direct access to Charlie Intel's spreadshirt store so you can buy CI merchandise!

* This application requires geolocation and record-audio permissions.

Download .apk

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