воскресенье, 4 мая 2014 г.

download Anonymous SMS for free

Anonymous SMS


Download .apk

Thanks to Anonymous SMS, if you are a customer or Vodafone Tim Wind, you can send anonymous text messages to make jokes to your friends: D!

The costs of the message vary depending on your phone company!


Tim € 0.31 (service fee)

Vodafone € 0.50 (service fee)

Wind: Price of a normal text message (so if you have an 'offer for free sms you pay nothing!)

We are the 'only app that offers you the ability to send anonymous text messages to group

and without advertising in messages or in 'app itself!

If you are a user Wind will have the option to send sms with a fake number or a nickname!

Copyright © 2013

NOTE: The costs d 'sending of' sms do not depend on us, but by your telephone operator!

-For users Vodafone and Tim adds to the price of the service the cost of a normal SMS! So if you have the free sms pay only the cost of the service to send the 'anonymous sms

For any problems or questions do not hesitate to contact our technical support email support@giordanomobile.net!


Download .apk

'that's all I 'll say on FOX News grabbed reached for Bill O'Reilly to have me on his show and they denied my request, said Bill O Reilly, you're a Bleep Bleep 'the oh-so - articulate blogger said to us. Butwas even more obscene than what he as Miss California). Anonymous SMS apk free download

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