понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

Thermometer Galaxy S4 apk free download

Thermometer Galaxy S4


Download .apk

Simple effective stylish Thermometer for your Galaxy S4.

It only uses S4 build in sensors.

-Notification Bar (Temperature)

-10 different app widgets

-Ne need internet connection.

Measures the ambient temperature, humidity and pressure.

-You can customize widget colors and transparency.

-°C or °F selection.

Use it only for reference , it is not for professional use. It only uses device sensors.

How to use;

-Don't put your S4 to direct sunlight.

-Put it on a flat surface and wait some time for exact results

Download .apk

Observe posted the entire short film True Skin, and Stephan Zlotescu directed by high - def Vimeo It's all about the parts - and everyone wants them. To to this name - Stephen Zlotescu, also known as H1 known. ) is triggered download Thermometer Galaxy S4 free android app . Filmmaker on the rise to break into Hollywood, and his debut is this lively sci-fi short film that has been a bidding war is triggered. The short circuit True Skin , titled a study on the future of augmented world. We first featured the trailer back in March this year. The full 6 minute short film debut and it is a must-watch for any / any sci-fi fan out there. It somehow reminds me of Blade Runner, but updated for 2012. Stunning work. Even Roger Ebert praised the short on his blog.

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