воскресенье, 27 апреля 2014 г.

download MovieBox (Ad free) 10 for free

MovieBox (Ad free)

Media & Video

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MovieBox presents you with videos you can play anytime, all categorised by genre, with synopsis and poster images to help you find what you want - when you want it.

It contains an internal database of videos (films, concerts, documentaries and tv series) hosted on YouTube that are manually verified as working before inclusion so, unlike similar apps which simply search YouTube for you on the fly and end up returning masses of broken or mislabeled links, MovieBox will help you cut through the rubbish.

Find a video you like, touch its title and you'll see a write up telling you more about it as well as a poster image which you can see full size by pressing on it.

Designed with a simple to use, clean, user interface there are no distractions and no rubbish to sort through, making it easy to use - and easier to find a good video.

Why use this app?

If you've tried finding movies, documentaries etc on YouTube you'll know you can spend hours trawling through pages of videos to find the one video you actually wanted, and with many videos deliberately mislabeled by uploaders who just want the extra clicks this can be hard work. Now you can simply browse through a list of videos that have already been checked as working.

All videos are in English and verified as working in the UK on mobile devices. The application has a detailed help file you can access at any time should you need it, and which should answer any questions you may have.

If you have a smart tv, or you have a Google Chromecast hdmi dongle, you can watch the videos on your tv as the YouTube application used to play the videos supports streaming to smart tv's, games consoles such as PS3, and Chromecast.

This is the ad free version of MovieBox,

This means there are no adverts at all within this application.

If you find that some videos are not working check for an update to MovieBox, looking at the recent changes section for MovieBox on the Play Store will tell you if there is an update. MovieBox is updated regularly to remove videos that no longer work, and to add new videos.

There are over 200 videos at the moment with more being added regularly.

MovieBox now has an inbuilt ability to open non youtube links, this is for planned future updates, for the immediate future the videos included are all hosted on youtube.

Download .apk

First Look: Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln from New Movie SpielbergSteven Spielberg's Lincoln, currently currently already, stars Daniel Day-Lewis as our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, and focuses on the last four months of his life, the leadership of the North to victory during the Civil War. The cast includes Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jackie Earle Haley, Lee Pace, John Hawkes, Walton Goggins, Hal Holbrook, Tim Blake Nelson and David Oyelowo. The film has a screenplay by Oscar nominee last Tony Kushner download MovieBox (Ad free) 10 apk free . It is expected to make a late 2012 after the elections after the elections, but for the moment to film in Virginia. We look forward to more, expect that to another Spielberg epic this.

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