воскресенье, 27 апреля 2014 г.

download Finger Fencer for free

Finger Fencer

Sports Games

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Real-Time P2P Fencing game with touchscreen foil, saber and épée. Drag to parry. Tap touché. Fence your friend on a shared WiFi connection.

Also available - Fence against computer in "Round of 8" tournament against ever faster opponents. Weapons - Foil, Saber and Épée.

Foil Rules:

Points are scored by fencer who touches with priority. Establish priority by attacking first or by "parrying" with immediate counter-attack, known as "riposte".

Saber Rules:

Score point by touching with priority. Establish priority by attacking first or by "parrying" with immediate counter-attack, known as "riposte". Point for backing away from attack and immediatly counter-attacking, known as get-away-go.

Épée Rules : Points are scored by fencer who touches first. Entire body is on-target. Try to block or "parry" with immediate counter-attack.


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Total Catfish film film. It is simply a great story download Finger Fencer apk . A timely story. Humorous and benevolent, while acting as a sort of cautionary tale for the Internet age. If you can, whenever you can, And Just not for everyone, if you have not seen it yet first talk. If they try any funny business, take a Vulcan nerve pinch their way and fast. You will not want to to know anything going in. - immediately after the end credits, I tweeted: 'Catfish is overwhelming Seriously one of the odd, funny, scary, sad, unique films I ' have ever seen honest. 'I still kind of am that this is all writing. Catfish is a documentary by directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman about Ariel 's brother Nev, a New York-based photographer who is penpals. With an eight year old girl from Michigan who sends him pictures of his paintings It is a very modern feeling film as the filmmakers make great use of Facebook, Google Earth, Gmail, Google Street View and YouTube to make the film in her support of his theme. It adds a sense of immediacy that the film tends to rely on. And that, my friends, is all I can say. But knowing that this is just the beginning.

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